A solution used as a secondary rinse after applying a softwash to neutralize bleach crystals on cleaned surfaces, equipment, and vegetation.

Hercules Bleach Shield removes bleach streaks caused by improper rinsing of a bleach solution after cleaning. By spraying Hercules Bleach Shield on equipment, trailers, and vehicles, the bleach crystals are neutralized and protected from rapid corrosion, thanks to the active corrosion inhibitors in the formula. It is also recommended to flush hoses, pumps, sprayers, and any other exposed equipment to prevent premature repairs and replacements. For sensitive vegetation and non-edible outdoor plants, spray Hercules Bleach Shield before and after using bleach to prevent damage. Remember to rinse plants thoroughly with water following use and avoid letting the product dry on plants.

Usage Directions

Pre-rinse all surfaces to be treated.
For low-pressure spray applications on windows and equipment, mix 2-4 oz. of Hercules Bleach Shield per gallon of water.
For X-Jet applications, mix 2-4 oz. per gallon.
For downstream injectors, mix 4-6 oz. per gallon.
Rinse lightly after use.

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