Hood Master

Heavy Duty Kitchen Degreaser

Hood Master is a free-rinsing caustic formula specifically designed to clean and degrease stubborn greases and fats in commercial kitchens. It effectively removes carbon stains, grease, oil, tar, and burnt deposits from most commercial kitchen surfaces and has been found to be highly effective at removing stains in Chinese restaurants. Ideal for tackling tough burnt deposits and effective against Asian food stains, this USDA-approved formula is highly dilutable and works best with hot water. Hood Master can be pre-sprayed for the most challenging applications and will rinse free at any temperature.

  • Great for tough burnt deposits
  • Effective against asian food stains
  • Highly dilutable
  • USDA approved formula

Color Light Red/Pink
pH 13-14+
Odor Odorless
Physical State Liquid
DOT Hazardous
Dilution Super Concentrate

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